“I assist designers selections with my experience by guiding their fabric placement choices. I can budget forecast life expectancy of fabric, foam and set up a maintenance plan for management.”
Whitney has a professional and charismatic disposition. Her decades of experience do not close her off to new ideas. She loves finding solutions to every problem, and works seamlessly as an aid for designers.
Ten years ago she began to notice how stressful corporate visits were for clients. The property managers do the work of 4 people, while managing everyone else. Often, they are unable to do any work themselves, because their time is consumed with meetings and following up with vendors.
Cushions are often the last thing considered in the maintenance budget, but they are priority to corporate. Having a reliable, experienced & professional Marine Fabricator that can expediently deliver is the solution.
Marine Fabricators are the go-to for most managers, but they are too busy to complete cushions in time. The time constraint leads them to make purchases without confidence. The temporary solution is to purchase low quality cushions that fail & stain quickly, or entirely new pieces that are costly and go over budget.
What would cushion maintenance be like if you looked forward to seeing the vendor?